Potato Cultivation

Potato Season

Potato cultivation in Antequera involves two growing seasons: the first is known as early or mid-season potatoes, which runs from late June to late July, and the second is called late potatoes or “verdete”, harvested from late December to early February.

A few years ago, the main varieties grown were SPUNTA and FABULA, but in the last two years, we have introduced new, uniform varieties to meet the growing demand for both washed and unwashed potatoes. This has allowed us to offer a greater variety of products and expand our presence in more markets.

Available for sale all year round.







The cultivation area covers 450 to 500 hectares, producing a total of 17 million kg. The crop requires 30 workdays per hectare for care and harvesting and 9 workdays per hectare in handling and packaging centers.

5.000 m2 packaging facilities

We have 5,000 m² of facilities dedicated to potato packaging, equipped with three unwashed potato lines and two washed potato lines.

Handling and packaging

More than 50% of our production is handled, sorted, and packaged at our facilities. Our potatoes are marketed in 3, 5, 10, 15, and 25 kg formats, available in two categories: washed and unwashed.

We have 5,000 m² of plat facilites, equipped with packaging lines for washed potatoes, two lines for unwashed potatoes, two lines dedicated to the food service sector, and an additional line for packaging potatoes in boxes.